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Sign Up for Fall Rush

Click here to sign up for Fall Rush through IFC.

Why Lambda Chi? A brief overview

Aside from our long & rich history comes the second-highest GPA among IFC fraternities at Bradley (FA22) as well as over twenty-five awards. Lambda Chi is looking for upstanding men with dignity, integrity, and hope to do their best in their academic endeavors at Bradley. Lambda Chi has strict anti-hazing regulations & support systems to upbuild not only the academics of the men within our chapter but their true selves.

About Lambda Chi

Lambda Chi Alpha is the oldest fraternity on campus, holding over twenty-five awards and the second-highest GPA among IFC-affiliated fraternal organizations at Bradley. We are constantly looking for strong, independent men who show Loyalty, Dignity, Respect, Stewardship, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. We are looking for men dedicated to their academics, peers, and community, who want to leave a positive impact.

Lambda Chi Alpha, like many modern fraternities, is strictly anti-hazing. Lambda Chi differs on this topic, however, as we have one of the strictest policies regarding hazing. According to Lambda Chi Alpha, hazing is defined as "any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce physical discomfort or mental discomfort by embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule." Our chapter expands upon this definition by classifying any pressuring behavior to be hazing, including pressure to consume alcohol or participate in drinking games. The idea of pledgeship is also considered hazing. New members are given the title of Associate Member until initiation and afforded all of the same rights an initiated brother holds, except to run for High Pi (Fraternity Advisor). These anti-hazing policies mean that there are absolutely no 

Additionally, associate members of Lambda Chi Alpha are not to be stopped from

Organizational Statistics

Lambda Chi achieved many great heights last semester, including.

How to join Lambda Chi Alpha

As an organization operating under the Inter-Fraternity Council, Lambda Chi must pertain to those rush regulations of the IFC, meaning that members must join through either fall-rush or spring-rush. Lambda Chi holds no preference to which semester's rush anyone attends, and any bid given out remains valid even if you decide not to join during the semester in which it was given to you. We understand that you may want to spend the first semester or two getting a hold on your academics and encourage you to do so. Lambda Chi also has a "rush 365" policy, meaning that if you would like to join Lambda Chi, even though you will have to go through a semester's rush week, we encourage you to come to events to get to know the brothers of our organization regardless of the time of year. The current rush events (should any be happening at the moment) can be found on the home-page, or on our Instagram, @lxa_bu .

Rush Director

Ruben Gardner
